Trustee Changes
Out with the old…………………
Trustees have bid farewell to Bill Moir, who has chaired Belmont Community Association (BCA) for the last four years. Bill had overseen a transformation of the Community Centre, through a comprehensive modernisation programme, and secured a three year “shared use agreement” with Belmont Community School for use of their leisure facilities outside of school hours. Bill has recently moved away from the area and felt unable to continue in his role.
Walter Meikle has stepped down as a Trustee to spend more of his time travelling. A former Chair of BCA, Walter ensured survival of the Association during a difficult period in its history and supervised work to re-roof the Community Centre.
Tammy and Gerry Lee had been Trustees for many years and their contribution over that period is much appreciated. Tammy and her Dad continue to run the Baby and Toddler group on a Thursday morning.
We send best wishes to all of our former colleagues and thank them for their time and effort to support the Community Association.
And in with the new!
We are now pleased to welcome Phil Jackson, Anne Corbett, Mandy Stagg and Erika Denholm to the board of Trustees. Phil is retired from the mining industry and his business experience is welcomed. Anne, a retired teacher and former member of the Management Committee, will also act as our link with Belmont Parish Hall. Erika (Cheesy Waffles) and Mandy (Wider World Project) both run special needs groups at the Community Centre and their operational involvement will be invaluable.