Charity No 1177041
Thank you for supporting Belmont Community Association (BCA) by hiring our facilities over the last 12 months. At the Community Centre, our three meeting rooms and hall have been used for over 4,000 hours, ensuring that we are able to meet our £36,000 running costs. On Belmont Community School site, sports and performance space has been hired for 2,500 hours, with 90% of the surplus paid to the School to cover wear and tear and for investment in students.
Some changes have been made during the year and we welcome, Anne Corbett, Phil Jackson, Erika Denholm, Mandy Stagg and Stephen Laverick as Trustees.
All users are invited to attend Trustee meetings, which are held bi-monthly on the second Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September and November at 7 pm in Kepier Room of the Community Centre.
Groups operating as a business are reminded that you must hold public liability insurance. This protects you if clients or members of the public suffer personal injury or property damage because of your business activities. Anyone working or volunteering with children or vulnerable adults should be DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checked and such groups should have a safeguarding policy.
As a result of careful management, Trustees have decided not to increase hiring charges in 2020. Group registration fees, allowing a substantial discount for regular hirers, are also held at current rates.
Over the last four years, BCA has invested over £100,000 in modernising Belmont Community Centre. In 2019, the hall floor was re-surfaced, the accessible toilet modernised and a new carpet was laid in Kepier Room, as well as painting of Grange and Hardy rooms. In 2020 security fencing will be erected around the community garden.
In October, a defibrillator was positioned outside the Community Centre for public use. Our thanks to County Councillors and Belmont Parish Council for helping to finance this vital piece of equipment.
Our website has been transformed to provide more relevant information for users and anyone wishing to make bookings.
Dave Drinkwater, BCA Chair, says “thanks to our hard working staff, 2019 has been a successful year and we have been awarded a Hallmark quality standard for the second time. We were examined on our governance, health and safety and development. Assessor Isla Ballard from Durham Community Action, said “BCA continue to impress; the trustees, staff and volunteers are dedicated to providing a well-run and thriving community centre. I am therefore delighted to award them the Hallmark accreditation.”